Measures per stave; systems per page

• Jan 18, 2017 - 21:03

In the attached score there are many staves with only 1 measure, while there is room for 4 or 5. I tried Edit -> Tools -> Add/Remove barlines, to no avail. Stretching or compressing measures doesn't help either. What am I doing wrong?
All pages contain only 1-3 systems, while there is room for 4-6 systems. Musescore should fill the pages automatically with as many systems as possible. Why doesn't this work?
Who can tell me what is wrong?
Note that Tenor1 and Tenor2 have a common stave; where necessary they are split apart. The same applies for the common stave for Bariton and Bass. The score was imported in Musescore as xml-file.
I use Windows 10, Musescore 2.0.3

Attachment Size
Awakening06.mscz 18.79 KB


In reply to by RinatyaNessim

Well,sort of, how many System fit a page depends on how many staves a System has, whether 'hie empty staves' is active and hisdes som, the distatance between staves, the distance between systems, the page sice and ist borders, the 'space' Setting, etc.
Breaks can cause (or force) fewer system to fit, but not more

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