When I exported into MIDI, it's not editable with FL Studio...

• Oct 14, 2012 - 19:37

Maybe it's just a problem with FL Studio 10, but I highly doubt an industry-grade software would have a problem like this.
Besides, I'm able to tinker and toy with every other MIDI files that I have. The only problem I've ever had is with this particular MIDI file exported from Musescore. Any help?


Hard to say - can you describe the specific problem you are having in more detail>? What exactly you are doing, what you expect to see, what you are seeing instead? Also, what OS, what MuseScore version? And a sample file with steps to reproduce is always useful. See http://musescore.org/node/77

Oh. Sorry.
Musescore 1.2, Windows 7 64bit.

When I opened the midi in FL Studio, I expect to be able to change the MIDI sounds into VSTi samples, but when I tried to play the modified track, it instantly changed back into its original form. This NEVER happened to me with other MIDI files I've tinkered with.

Another weird thing is that usually, FL Studio lists each track as its own instrument (Piano 1, Dist Gtr, Power Drm, etc.)
Instead, the Musescore MIDI file is listed as MIDITracks, MIDITracks #2, MIDITracks #3, etc.

I think Musescore made the MIDI read-only or something, but I can't really come to that conclusion yet. I've tested this again using another dummy MIDI song exported by Musescore, and it's still not editable. This is why I'm edging towards my "read-only" conclusion. Because it's a constant thing. I don't think it's an easily reproducible thing because chances are slim that there are other FL Studio users out there. But if there are...

1. Open up Musescore
2. Just make a score using any settings, and with random notes
3. Save it as .mid
4. Open it using FL Studio
5. Try to do something as simple as changing the MIDI instruments used. JUST TRY IT.

In reply to by nisbahmumtaz

If it were as simply as the file being read only, you could just right click it, go to properties, and set it to be writeable again. Must be something specific about the specific sub-format of MIDI used by MuseScore being different from what FL Studio expects. Do you have any other programs you could try opening the file in?

In reply to by nisbahmumtaz

I would suggest that the problem lies with FL Studio, and not MuseScore.

I have just exported a MIDI file from MuseScore 1.2 and loaded it into Sonar 3. I have had no trouble altering patches or channels from the defaults exported by MuseScore. The Export is just a standard Format 1 SMF and there is nothing special about it.

When I was programming backing tracks at the turn of the century it was known as Fruity Loops, and not regarded as a serious contender with the mainstream sequencers: Cubase. Logic and Sonar, but rather a tool for creating stuff to import into them.

Doubtless it has improved over the years, but clearly not as much as it should.

If I were you I would contact FL Studio technical support about this.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

...Or, I could just dump the demo and be on my merry way with Cubase. I've only dabbled with it for 2 weeks, and it hasn't really impressed me so far. It lacks even the basic things like...like...

You know when you want to pause a track, and play it again from where you left off? It can't even do that! It starts the song right from the beginning!

Thank god for shareware. Could you try fiddling around with Musescore MIDIs in Cubase, and see if you could change something as simple like "Piano" into "Trumpet" or something like that? That's what I'm not able to do at the moment, and if you could do it with Cubase, then I'm instantly there.

In reply to by nisbahmumtaz

'Fraid I don't have access to Cubase, but if there are no problems importing into Sonar then it is unlikely there will be with Cubase, which is mature software that has been around since the days when Atari's were the must have studio computer, and Windows PCs were only just starting to take over.

I never liked the UI which is why I use Sonar.

You can find the demo versions of Cubase here: http://www.steinberg.net/en/products/cubase/trial_version.html

I would download and try before you buy :)

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