Instrument for singing note values

• Jan 13, 2017 - 12:07


I'm looking for a way of having an instrument that sings the note values, in other words, the instrument not only "sings" the pitch but also "say" the corresponding note value, for example A, B, etc. or in spanish La, Si, etc.

I have a blind sax student with no braille knowledge, and this method could be a good way for him to "read" scores in order to help memorize the melody.

Any ideas could be fantactic!!




Maybe the note names plugin could help, in connection with a screen reader?

There was a GSoC proposal, 'virtual singer', but it hasn't been selected (yet) and there is a commercial product doing this (forgot the name), but either would require lyrics, and here lyrics that match the note names.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks JoJo!!

>>>>> Maybe the note names plugin could help, in connection with a screen reader?
<<<<< Good point, but i'm wondering if the PC or modile device could play the song and read the screen at the same time.

>>>>>There was a GSoC proposal, 'virtual singer', but it hasn't been selected (yet) and there is a commercial product doing this (forgot the name), but either would require lyrics, and here lyrics that match the note names.
<<<<< You mean Virtual Singer with Melody Assistant, I'll try it, but it seems a quite old product!!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, I'm using 2.0.3. I've tried only in a usual play mode, not with cursor keys. I'll try it but would be also good to have it in play mode to have the song tempo.

I've quite new in Musescore but I've seen other topics around that...

Thanks a lot!

PD: Are you catalan?, because your names are, don't they??

In reply to by xavisalra

My ancestry is Italian :-)

Having a program read notes during playback would not be practical. There is much too much information to read in real time. I mean, it could work for a score of a single staff with no chords and no fast notes, bit you couldn't possibly read a piece of real music that way.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You're right, but this is the case, by isolating a single staff to only hear note names and tone in order to practice in an study mode (and slow tempo).

As I commented, my blind sax student (with no previous music knowledge) and I, are looking for methods and ways to facilitate sheet music communication using Musescore's kind of tools.

I have to investigate more and test some virtual voices tools you also pointed.

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