workaround: 8va in tab

• Apr 28, 2017 - 12:27

Edit: (8 September 2024)
The actual non-workaround solution has been backported to MuseScore 3.7.
Thanks Jojo!
It is working fine there now.

Edit: (20 August 2024)
My workaround has a shortcoming:
If the new dummy ottava line crosses a system, any hidden transposing clefs will be visible at each next system. This results in wrong notation, as it is now showing as double transposed.
It's a band-aid for some situations at least; I didn't notice the shortcoming until just now.

Edit: (13 August 2024)
I don't know when it happened, but I noticed the line thickness and possibly symbol font size changed at some point. I'm sure it had matched well before and now it didn't so I changed it.
Then I checked 4.3.2 and 4.4 nightly, and the line thickness changed back to what I had it set for in the first place, but the dash spacing is different.
So, check for consistency; changes may be needed.

Edit (18 July 2022):
Here is my current workaround for this problem.
I have included a musescore file and an mpal file.
Feel free to use them as I do not have faith the problem will be fixed.

tab 8va workaround3.mscz

The method is still the same:
Place an invisible 8 or 15 octave clef.
Add a line which does nothing to playback; make it invisible in TAB.
I no longer use 12pt italic, using symbol syntax instead.

Original post:

I haven't searched for this today, but I was excited by this.
If someone alreay posted this workaround, I apologize.
I have discovered a semi-convenient workaround for 8va lines wrongly appearing in linked tab staff.

Insert clef +/- 8 or 15 as needed; make it invisible.
Generate a generic line that does nothing to playback; make it dashed; make it invisible on tab staff.
Generate 8 or 8va in bold italic 12 pt staff text.

My last wish would be a palette item, a 8va hooked dashed line that tracks with notes, but does nothing to playback. This would make inserting this faux 8va line a little easier.


In reply to by mkjnovak

Position it relative to the staff, then put it on the palette and it will be applied to that same relative position. You will probably need to adjust the content offset in the properties after you move it to the palette or it will probably not fit in the cell. The first time I did that it ended up on top of the item 2 lines above :(

In reply to by scorster

Re-re-editing this post:
I am not sure what you are asking exactly.
Anything set to invisible would obey the 'show invisible' checkbox, yes.
However, hidden clefs would show up at each new system if the non-transposing ottava line extended that far.
This could indeed lead to confusion of double transposition, a shortfall I only noticed recently.
So, the workaround was a band-aid at best.
It's all fixed now if you're willing to use 3.7.
I highly recommend it.

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