Lyrics ruin Bach Motets

• Aug 5, 2016 - 23:52

8tel- and 16th- runs are an essential element in Bach's motets. But in MuseScore they look disturbing unevenly with lyrics. In purchased editions all notes in a group of 8teln or 16ths with shared beam have the same width. MuseScore gives preference to lenght of the word / syllable, which for separate notes (without shared beams) is completely appropriate of course, but here may look ugly. See examples attatched.

Is there a possibility in the MuseScore options (still unknown to me) to change this behavior? Or is it possibly planned for the next version?
In Bachs Motetten sind 8tel- und 16tel- Läufe ein wesentliches Element. In Musescore sehen sie aber mit Liedtexten verstörend ungleichmäßig aus. In gekauften Ausgaben sind alle Noten in einer Gruppe von 8teln oder 16teln mit einem gemeinsamen Balken gleich breit. Musescore richtet sich dagegen vorrangig nach der Wort-/Silbenlänge, was bei getrennten Noten (ohne gemeinsamen Balken) natürlich völlig richtig ist, hier aber zu unschönen Verzerrungen führt. Siehe Beispiele in der Anlage.

Gibt es eine (mir noch unbekannte) Möglichkeit in den MuseScore-Optionen, dieses Verhalten zu ändern? Oder ist das eventuell für die nächste Version geplant?

Attachment Size
Bach_Demo.pdf 42.99 KB
Bach_Demo.mscz 27.18 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes! Yes, that is exactly what I hoped for. I could reproduce the improvement with MuseScoreNightly-201608061429-master-7fcd3aa-x86_64.AppImage. However, there are various problems (for example: strongly fluctuating spacing between stuffs, inconsistent placement of dynamics), so further processing of the Bach motet is not possible. I will put it on hold until a newer stable version is available.

Thank you so much!

In reply to by Nikolaus Hold

Note it's still *very* early in the 3.0 development cycle; don't expect a stable version any time soon. But if you'd like to help it come sooner and be more stable, do keep testing it, and submit bug reports when you see them

The varying spacing between staves is supposed to be a feature - no more needing to add spacers when notes on ledger lines or other elements collide with the next staff. Similarly, dynamics are automatically adjusting to avoid collisions as well. If there is a case where you think this is not happening optimally, you might want to post abut this in the Tecnnology Preview forum so we can discuss what the best behavior should be for that case.

Indeed, current versions of MsueScore insist on placing a lyric under a single note; the layout routines are not smart enough to spread a single lyric over several notes. But that is one of the improvements being made for the next major version.

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