Ability to preset chord distance etc.

• Feb 10, 2013 - 11:32

I wish I could preset the distance between chord and staff in the preference pane - which would apply for every new document that I create.
Right now the standard distance is too big (-4), so I have to go into Edit text Styles, change it, save the file, press reload, in order to fix it. Bad workflow.
This is crucial, since for practical purposes and purposes of legibility one needs to keep the scores compact.
I found that the value -2 would be perfect for most situations, the 'factory' preset to -4 puts the chords too close to the above staff, > irritating and space consuming.
I would prefer to adjust this once an for all and not just for for each new document.

There is a workaround to create a new document sample and then copy every new content into it,but since I work with many different types of instrumentation etc. it is not practical.
Thanks, much obliged.

And by the way, this request applies to other adjustments in text and general "styles" as well. It appears that one can preset only the short cuts globally, yet. text and general styles are considered as 'styles', which they are not (the distance between staves is not a style issue, it determines how many pages you are dealing with in real life.) These adjustments are so time consuming (I am just working on 50 different lead sheets....).


This is also what templates are for. The Jazz Lead Sheet template, for example, sets all text (including chord symbolls) to be MuseJazz, at a reasonably large size, and sets chord height to be just high enough to barely clear (actually slightly touching) a high C above the treble clef staff. If you choose that template creating your lead sheet instead of always creating from scratch, you'd have thise settings (and others) already set. Or, if that template isn't quite to your liking in some respect, then create an empty lead sheet from that template, make whatever changes you want, save the result, and copy that to the templates folder, and use that for future lead sheets. There is definitely no reason you should have to be making these settings over and over. I've done hundreds of lead sheets from the Jazz Lead Sheet template at this point, and they look really good without ever needing to tweak any settings in most cases.

For 2.0, it will also be possible to save a default style that will apply to new scores created from scratch as well.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Suspect maybe so, but wasn't sure. There *is* such thing as saving and loading a style, and in fact, the MuseScore distribution also includes (I think) a predefined "Jazz_Lead_Sheet" style you can load via Style / Load, and it makes most of the same settings you'd get by simply starting with the Jazz Lead Sheet template. So in theory you could load the Jazz_Lead_Sheet style on an already created lead sheet, and it would magically change its appearance. In reality, most text items won't actually change, because for 1.2 the text styles are hard coded when you create the text, and subsequent changes to text style on't alter existing text (for 2.0, it will be possibly to automatically update existing text by changing.a style - a change I am very much looking forward to).

But chord symbols at least *will* changew when you load a style - if not immediately, then the next time you reload the score. That's because chord symbols are not ordinary text, but are generated on the fly from a set of rules (controlled by the currently select chord description, as described in Chord name .

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