Ficta Music

• Mar 23, 2013 - 15:39

How can I place the alterations above the note and smaller as in Ficta Music?
I could not find a post about moving alterations.

Thank you in advance


Hi alfreedogoomez -

Are you referring to Musica ficta, the type of early music described here?


If you just want to put a sharp or flat symbol above a note (and you don't care about playback), you can try Create -> Symbols , then drag the sharp or flat symbol from the symbol palette to a position above the note. I don't know if you can make the symbol smaller, though.


Accidentals, like most other symbols, can be move by double clicking and using the arrows (with ctrl or alt to make finer movements). But they cannot be made smaller. So if you wish that, you can add the accidental as ordinary staff text, using the F2 text symbols palette to access the symbols once you're in text edit mode. Then you can size the characters however you like. You can get playback to work as you want by also adding a normal accidental and hiding it (right click, set invisible) or by right clicking the note, note properties, and adjusting the tuning offset.

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