Community Blog

MuseScore in 2016: The year in review

7 years ago • 4 comments


2016 was a wonderfully busy year for MuseScore. As we head into 2017 looking forward to new accomplishments and milestones, let’s take a moment to look back over the year gone by.

2.0.3 update

We spent the first part of the year preparing MuseScore version 2.0.3, the last update to MuseScore 2.0, which we released at the beginning of April 2016 with more than 200 changes. Read all about it at MuseScore 2.0.3 is released!

(There was

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SoundBanks part2

7 years ago • 3 comments

I created the second video of the SoundBanks screencast. This one shows how I changed a SoundBank from a global setting to something that adds new Instruments. I also show how a SoundBank loads SoundFonts and that it can add new MidiActions that for example make MuseScore compatible with Native Instrument's Kontakt.

SoundBanks part2

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GSoC 2016 - Work Product - Semi-Realtime MIDI

7 years ago • 3 comments

This page lists all of the changes to MuseScore's code that were completed as part of the Semi-Realtime MIDI project to improve note entry in MuseScore. The project was part of Google Summer of Code 2016.

More information about the project is available at the following locations:

Code changes

Merged code changes

These commits have be merged into MuseScore's main code repository and are available in the Nightly Builds:

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GSoC 2016 Workproduct - Playback

7 years ago • 0 comments

Workproduct GSoC 2016 - MuseScore Playback improvement


My progress during GSoC 2016 has been documented in this very Blog.

Code that has been merged into the Project

The following code has been merged into the master branch

This includes the following features:

  • Added metric modulation see - Wikipedia: Metric modulation
  • Zerberus (sfz synthesizer)
    • Round robin
    • Loop support
    • Sfz v1 envelopes
    • Load multiple sfz at once
    • Play
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GSoC weekly update : August 15th to August 21st

7 years ago • 6 comments

This was my final week working on the Annotation support project as part of GSoC 2016.
I'm happy to announce that we have a tool for Annotations in place!
This is what a score with multiple annotations looks like :

As you can see, you can add text annotations and/or range annotations. For the range annotation, you can set the properties like top, bottom, left, right margins, color and border width from the inspector as shown in the

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GSoC 2016 - Week 13 - Voices and Rhythms

7 years ago • 0 comments

This was my 13th and final week working on note entry with MuseScore for Google Summer of Code. This week I improved the rhythm simplification algorithm and added the ability to enter more than one voice at a time in Real-time mode.

This week’s summary:

  • Rhythmic groupings at the sub-beat level
  • Separation of Real-time input into multiple voices

Still to do:

  • Fix bugs with voice separation
  • Submit GSoC Work Product

Rhythmic grouping at the sub-beat level

I extended the grouping

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Weekly status update August 15th to 21st

7 years ago • 0 comments

this is my last status update during GSoC. GSoC officially ends on 23rd of August - but I will continue work after that. On the one hand side there are still open things that need to be finished and on the other hand side there are still interesting things that should be done. I learned quite a lot during that program and feel like I have a good understanding how MuseScore's code works and is organized.

I think it

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GSoC work product

7 years ago • 7 comments

For this year’s Google Summer of Code project I was working with MuseScore. My project was to improve the already existing features in MuseScore listed below.

- merged commits
- open Pull Requests
- Part tool
- Implode
- Explode



Part tool

It wasn‘t possible to create parts of a score for single voices of a staff. In music, it is common to write more than one instrument voice in the same staff to save space. The

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GSoC: Week 12

7 years ago • 0 comments

The actual PR for the improved Explode tool,
the actual PR for the improved Implode tool and the actual PR for the new excerptsdialog.

Last week

The end of this year's GSoC is quite near and I have already finished my work. Last week I was working on the cloneVoice method again and chucked away unnecessary things, so it's a bit faster and easier to understand. Another thing have been some minor changes to clean up code. After this I

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