Community Blog

GSoC weekly update : August 8th to August 14th

7 years ago • 2 comments

Hello everyone,
This week I worked on extending the support for range annotations. The previous implementation did not include the support for highlighting a range selection which includes multiple staves. This week I primarily worked on implementing the same.

There were a few challenges I faced during the implementation. One of them being - calculating the exact co-ordinates of the staves which are in consideration, in order to draw the highlighting correctly. This was tricky because I was trying to

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GSoC 2016 - Week 12 - Rhythmic durations

7 years ago • 6 comments

This was my 12th week working on note entry with MuseScore for Google Summer of Code. This week I improved the ability to simplify tied notes to indicate rhythms.

This week’s summary:

  • Rhythmic durations
  • Menu command to re-tie notes (e.g. after a time signature change)

Still to do:

  • Voice extraction
  • Test user feedback

Rhythmic durations

Standard practise in music notation is split notes when they cross over a stressed beat, in much the same way as beams are split to

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Weekly status update August 8th to 14th

7 years ago • 0 comments

GSoC's end is quite near and this week I worked on the last big issue regarding the playback future of MuseScore: disk streaming playback and sample pool.

Before I started working on this topic I did also some touches on the MidiSpanner/Soundbank side of things and implemented the export xml features. (Before I could read all things regarding soundbanks from xml but not export!) Also now really all settings are copied to the newly instantiated instrument. (Yes I still

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GSoC weekly update : August 1st to August 7th

7 years ago • 0 comments

As mentioned in the last post, this week I worked on fixing some issues with the existing implementation for range annotations. The initial implementation didn't work for empty measures, but only for a range consisting of a start chordrest and an end chordrest. However, we figured out that using start segment and end segment of the selection instead of the start chordrest and end chordrest would be a better way, and would take care of all the cases of

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GSoC 2016 - Week 11 - Automatic Real-time & PortMidi

7 years ago • 16 comments

This was my 11th week working on note entry with MuseScore for Google Summer of Code. Most of this week was spent making small improvements here and there and solving a few issues with automatic real-time mode.

This week’s summary:

  • Workaround for PortMidi bug on Windows and Mac
  • Metronome unit tests
  • Instant note entry in automatic Real-time mode

Still to do:

  • New rhythm simplification and voice extraction implementation
  • Delayed preview for automatic real-time
  • Test user feedback


PortMidi is a

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GSoC: Week 11

7 years ago • 0 comments

The actual PR for the improved Explode tool,
the actual PR for the improved Implode tool and the actual PR for the new excerptsdialog.

Last week

Last week I was able to make two important steps. First one was to complete work on the explode tool, so now it is possible to explode voices of one staff to voices in staffs below and the undo command is working again for this. Second thing was a self-inflicted bug which caused wrong

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Weekly status update August 1st to 7th

7 years ago • 0 comments

this week I added a new opcode to zerberus - the gain_cc (or also known as gain_oncc in sfz v2). This makes it possible to create single note crescendos in zerberus!

While it was looking at that code I found out that our implementation of amp_veltrack differs from the specification. There the scaling of the impact of the velocity happens in dB but in out implementation it is the gain factor that is scales. Interestingly linuxsampler seems to

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Screencast: Soundbanks part1

7 years ago • 2 comments

sorry that I couldn't finish the video yesterday! But here is it today!

Soundbanks Part 1 MuseScore

This video shows you one basic feature of soundbanks. It configures what kind of midi messages a spanner object should emit. I'm very open to comments! Questions that come into my mind are:

  • Should the settings applied automatically to Instruments once a Soundbank is loaded?
  • Should a soundbank be activated before it is used?
  • Should there be settings to switch the different soundbanks a instrument matches?
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GSoC weekly update : July 25th to July 31st

7 years ago • 0 comments

As mentioned in the last post, last week I worked on and completed the implementation for the layout and draw functionality of the range annotation as a spanner. You can find the code for the same here :
For the layout I used two different functions - layoutSystem and layoutSegment. LayoutSystem gets called in Score::collectSystem when it loops over all the spanner elements and calls layout for them, which returns a spanner segment after creation and layout. LayoutSegment

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GSoC 2016 - Week 10 - Raw input timings

7 years ago • 6 comments

This was my 10th week working on note entry with MuseScore for Google Summer of Code. This week I started work on a new way of storing and handling user input internally that should result in more accurate notation.

This week’s summary:

  • Started new internal representation of user input:
    1. Storing of raw input times
    2. Adjust times to cope with tempo changes
    3. Convert to ticks and quantise to beat

Still to do:

  • Instant note entry in automatic Real-time mode
  • Test user
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