Community Blog

GSoC : Week 7

7 years ago • 0 comments

This week I was working on implementing read and write for the current implementation of Range Annotation.
The code for the same can be found in this branch :
It is writing successfully, but it cannot find the measure during read. Anyhow, it makes more sense to take care of it after we port the implementation to be spanner based, since we would want to be able to select the range annotation and set various properties. The range

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GSoC 2016 - Week 7 - Submitting the code

7 years ago • 0 comments

This was my seventh week working on note entry with MuseScore for Google Summer of Code. Last week submitted a pull request containing the first part of my code to prepare the user interface for the new note entry modes. This week I prepared a second pull request to implement the new modes.

This week’s summary:

  • Basic implementation of each new note entry mode
  • Further improvements to the UI

Still to do:

  • Improve performance of auto mode
  • More sophisticated algorithm
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GSoC: Week 7

7 years ago • 3 comments

The actual PR for the improved Implode tool.

Last week

I was mainly working on bug fixes. Biggest one was the tie thing, where ties weren't connected to next note if there was a measure break between them. This was fixed by a big change to the cloneVoice() method. This method does now get the exact start segment (source), destination segment and the tick of the last segment, so the whole clone process is done in the cloneVoice method. This

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Weekly status update July 4th to 10th

7 years ago • 0 comments

this week I started working on MidiSpanners. That is the functionality I described last week. With this you can let any spanner send midi information. All main modes (switch, continuous, note on event) have been realized. But currently there is no GUI. I also tested this with hairpins, pedal and slurs. Lasconic also proposed we could have a configuration file (most likely in xml) for sounds that would set good defaults for these spanners and would also add MidiActions

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GSoC : Week 6

8 years ago • 0 comments

As mentioned in the last post, this week I worked on implementing the range annotation box, and also added an option to highlight the range annotation. I also looked around at Spanners, and got a feel of how they are being implemented. For the range annotation, I started with implementing a hard coded rectangle around some measures (different from selection, because this persists, whereas selection doesn't). I then extended the implementation to support multiple range annotations, which key off

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GSoC 2016 - Week 6 - Improving the User Interface

8 years ago • 8 comments

This was my sixth week working on note entry with MuseScore for Google Summer of Code. In previous weeks I made good progress with the underlying algorithms for the new note entry modes, but I had yet to submit anything for inclusion in MuseScore's main code repository. This week I went back over my work from the previous weeks, tidying and improving the code in preparation for the first pull request.

This week’s summary:

  • ToolButtonMenu
  • Menu styles

Still to do:

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GSoC: Week 6

8 years ago • 2 comments

The actual PR for the improved Implode tool.

Last week

I changed cloneVoice() from being an excerpt method to being a score method in edit.cpp and used it in my first attempt for the improved implode tool.
We have had a discussion for this tool here and a big thing is that we have different demands for this tool. So freixas suggested to add a new UI for the different implode/merge options we could have. For me and my project

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Weekly status update June 27th to July 3rd

8 years ago • 0 comments

midterm is over and we have to see what will happen in the rest of the time. I think I already reached more than I expected (even though I knew that what I was reaching for was very low to make sure I'll reach that without any hassle).

This week got some new opcodes (I think and hope this will happen for every week from now on!):

  • on_hiccN/on_loccN - adds the possibility of playing back samples base on certain
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My Journey with MuseScore Part 5: Would I ever quit using MuseScore and/or my future intentions.

8 years ago • 0 comments

So, yeah. I hate to say this, but I'm thinking that this is the last entry of my blog for at least a while. There is a possibility that this is the last entry in the blog series. Let me say that it was a pleasure blogging. I have enjoyed creating this series however, everything must come to an end eventually.

Looking back at the start from when I was first trying out MuseScore to where I am now, I

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Developing MuseScore 3.0: Making things easier

8 years ago • 113 comments

Part 3 of 3

MuseScore 3.0, currently under development, is on track to be smarter, faster, and easier than any MuseScore you’ve seen before.

We’ve previously discussed the first two of those areas of improvement for the next major version of the world’s most popular, powerful, and easy-to-use free and open-source scorewriter. This May, we started by introducing you to the ongoing Smart Layout project, working towards making MuseScore 3 smart enough to automatically offset overlapping elements and

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