Community Blog

More on legato

8 years ago • 1 comment

last couple of days I was investigating in legato realization since Isaac Weiss was not happy with the current sound and I also thought that there might be some improvement. Even though I didn't found it as problematic as him. But here are my results on that topic. This post uses a lot of spectrograms - if you're unfamiliar with this type of diagrams you might have a look here.

A spectrogram basically displays frequency on the y-axis

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My journey with MuseScore! Part 4: When it started to be limiting

8 years ago • 0 comments

So, I realized that it had been quite a while since I wrote part 3. It was simply a variety of reasons why there was a gap. If you didn't read part 3 or the other parts, I encourage you to read them.

I also came to realize that this is my first blog post of the summer. I'm glad it's the summer time. For a while, I sort of had flashbacks of school, I had the mentality I had

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GSoC : Week 3

8 years ago • 0 comments

The class design for annotation has been more or less finalized. I have made a few changes to the one posted last week. Apart from that, the next goal is to create a working implementation of a basic version of an annotation, of type text and attached to a segment.
This would be indistinguishable from staff text except that it would have it's own text style.
I've implemented most of it, and have to set up the command and

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Crescendo Screencast

8 years ago • 14 comments

Hello everyone,
I did a little screencast explaining things about single note crescendo. Have fun watching!

Crescendo MuseScore

EDIT: Something went wrong with the first upload (it was missing some seconds at the end) I did a reupload and change URL above!

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GSoC 2016 - Week 3 - Realtime vs Semi-Realtime

8 years ago • 2 comments

This was my third week working on note entry with MuseScore for Google Summer of Code. Having managed to get the basic realtime note entry working last week, this week I started the task of analysing the user's input to make it look more like actual music.

This week’s summary:

  1. Simplifying note durations in semi-realtime mode
    a) Attempted via MIDI import - not much luck so far
    b) Achieved within MuseScore
  2. More ideas for Realtime and Semi-Realtime modes

Still to

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Weekly status update June 6th to June 12th

8 years ago • 1 comment

this is my weekly update. I'll divide this post into the different things I worked this week and provide some insight how things are.

Single note crescendo

Single note crescendo (aka CC11) is almost finished. There is a PR and after opening this one I had to fix some bugs (found through mtests) and improve some of the code style.

Most of the bugs were due to the fact that I tried to make the default setting for playback

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GSoC: Week 3

8 years ago • 0 comments


I was able to fix most of the issues out here for the new excerpts creation implementation. Main changes have been the _tracks (a QMap for better storage usage and speed) as an attribute of every excerpt and the _excerpt for scores and staves of an excerpt. These attributes make it quite easy to check which tracks of the main score are mapped to which track in the excerpt. They make it also easy to check whether the excerpt

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GSoC: Week 2

8 years ago • 0 comments


Last week I finished working on the new gaps implementation and finished it in time. I made some final changes including renaming the trulyInvisible attribute to simply gap. By now there are still some issues with gaps but in general it seems to work properly. After I was confident the PR I created will get merged I started working on the new excerptsdialog.

My aim for the last and the next week is to get a working implementation

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GSoC 2016 - Week 2 - First attempt at Semi-Realtime MIDI

8 years ago • 9 comments

This was my second week working on note entry with MuseScore for Google Summer of Code. Having figured out MuseScore’s existing implementation of note entry last week, this week I was able to make real progress with the new modes. In fact, I think it’s time for another video!

YouTube video: GSoC with MuseScore - First steps towards new note entry modes

This week’s summary:

  1. Rhythm input mode nearly complete!
  2. Basic implementation of auto and manual semi-realtime modes
  3. Changes to the audio sequencer to allow metronome ticks in note entry mode

Still to

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Week 2 Report

8 years ago • 0 comments

As mentioned in the last post, the work on implementing Annotations for MuseScore has begun! I've coded the header file to begin with. There were a few options for design initially :
1. Use multiple inheritance : Annotation base class inherits from a Text class and a graphical class.
TextAnnotation, ShapeAnnotation, HighlightAnnotation / SegmentAnnotation, ElementAnnotation, RangeAnnotation could then be subclasses in the hierarchy. (For eg : Annotation -> SegmentAnnotation -> TextAnnotation) However, this design looks cumbersome (also includes multiple

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