iPAD musescore app crash after doing a partition search

• May 28, 2020 - 13:22

Hi all
I have noted (on my iPad and on my son’s one) that musescore iPad app crashes when wanting to do, for a second time, a partition search: i.e. after doing a first search, if you launch a second one, either by cancelling the text of the first one or by writing the new partition title and pushing the enter button, the app crashes. Nevertheless, this happens only after having done the access. If the access has never been done beforehand, no issues at all, i.e. you can launch as many searches as you want without any crash....
Can you please check this misbehaviour on your iPads too?
I have provided a feedback and I hope that musescore will fix soon
Thanks for your attention and help


In reply to by ecostanzo1975

The MuseScore editor doesn't run on an iPad at all, so you mist probably are talking about the MuseScore mobile player app. This in turn is not being dealt with here on musescore.org, but over at musescore.com, like in https://musescore.com/groups/musescore-ios/

I've closed #306017: IPad 2.5.14 app crash after a partition search because of that too.

See https://musescore.org/en/faq#faq-20657 and https://musescore.org/en/node/277874 for further details

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