custom key signature bug
Custom key signatures are not placed correctly.
* create a 2-staff treble+bas clef piano sheet
* Go to View/Master Palette/key signatures
* Create new key signature with 1 flat (bflat)
* click add
* Drag the new key signature onto the first measure of the first measure
Expected: bflat in both treble and bas clef
Actual: bflat in treble clef, and dflat in the bass clef
Note: it looks like the signature is applied as straight copy, without correct transposition.
Workaround: unknown. Key signatures are always applied to all clefs so you when you fix one, the other will be messed up.
Now we're at this, i also would like to remark that if, while creating a key signature, you drag a flat from the measure back onto the template area, it SEEMS to have removed as expected. However musescore CRASHES when you try to apply the thus created key signature onto the sheet. I'll leave it to others to make a separate ticket for this if deemed important.
Not really a bug but a know and documented shortcoming of custome key signature: you need one per clef and also they don't playback at all.
See #7440: Displaying custom key signatures in multiple clefs and
Not really a bug but a know and documented shortcoming of custome key signature: you need one per clef and also they don't playback at all.
See #7440: Displaying custom key signatures in multiple clefs and
Thanks for the quick reply. I did not check the manual because it seemed all obvious and the already given keys work properly.
So do I understand correctly that the workaround/hack is to create two signatures, where the second key completely ignores the "treble" and assumes it's a 'bass'. And then to applyeach to one staff only, hold Ctrl (Mac: Cmd) while dragging?
This is so weird that II still consider this a bug,
In reply to Not really a bug but a know… by w.pasman
Can't be a bug, as it just has not been implemented at all. The feature request is open since almost 10 years now, so since MuseScore 1.x already. Actually even since
In reply to Can't be a bug, as it just… by Jojo-Schmitz
>A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result
This is definitely unexpected result as the other keys are transposing as expected, it's only the ones that I add myself that are not transposing, even if they look identical to the correctly working ones. So using that definition, it's a bug. Missing code/implementation certainly can be a bug.
And I don't agree with re-stamping bugs as "feature" either.
But I agree that it is good to have the special option to have different key signatures on different staffs.
And also I can understand that with the workaround in place, you might feel this has low priority.
In reply to >A software bug is an error,… by w.pasman
A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result due to incorrect coding
There is no code for this currently, so nothing broken, the alternative would be to disable custom key signatures altogether... I don't think this is what you're after, right?
Then again: this is Open Source, so you're free to implement it, I'm sure we'd welcome a Pull Request for this
In reply to >A software bug is an error,… by w.pasman
The problem is that for standard key signatures, MuseScore knows exactly which staff lines to use for each clef. For one you make up yourself, MuseScore has no way of knowing whether you want, for instance, a Gb on bass clef to display top space or bottom line. Similarly when using these with transposing instruments, it can get very subjective.
In reply to The problem is that for… by Marc Sabatella
Custom Key Recognition is an “asset” of any notation software. As a frequent user of this feature, I had been happy with its availability in the older version. Now that I have migrated to 4.4.3., I have quite a problem - using MuseScore.