MuseScore CLI: Converting a MIDI file to WAV file by specifying the instrument to use

• Aug 22, 2020 - 22:11

Hello everyone!

In the official documentation, it's said that we can use the following command to convert a file from a type to another:

C:/Program Files/MuseScore 3/bin/MuseScore3.exe -o original_music.wav original_music.midi

However the resulting WAV file contains the default piano synthetisor of MuseScore. Instead I would want to choose a wind instrument. It would be part of a list of instruments that MuseScore proposes, if it exists.

The documentation doesn't say anything about that. So where could I learn it?

Thank you in advance.
Best regards,


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes it could, indeed. Do you know a Python package or a Windows executable that I could use as a CLI program, that would allow me to specify one or several instruments in a MIDI file? :) Then I would still use C:/Program Files\/MuseScore 3/bin/MuseScore3.exe to convert the MIDI file containing the instrument(s) to the WAVE file, as I did in the OP.

I think this is the same thing that happens when you open any file for the first time in MS. It selects the first instrument from the list. How could it be different? I think the only way to choose instruments is to open the midi in MS and select instruments. I understand iTunes will convert midi to wav. But it depends on howthe midi was created. I suspect the resulting wav will be created using midi sounds.

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