Score won't open.

• Jun 7, 2014 - 16:41

So I've been working on a score for about two weeks now, and I've been able to open the file just fine. However, for some reason whenever I try to open it now, nothing loads. I usually close the "Reunion (Example)" on startup, so when I try to open the file, the screen stays blank as if no score was ever loaded or selected to load. I have the same problem with just that score for whatever file(s) I currently have open. What happened??

(I've attached the troubled score file as well.)

Attachment Size
Possible Frost Main Theme.mscz 7.48 KB


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Well, I looked in the place the tutorial said to and I found a little file with no extension called "session." Not sure if it's what I'm looking for.
I also found a .mscz, file with the same name as my troubled score. My computer says it's a backup. How do I fiddle with that in order to open it?

I have a Windows XP laptop.

In reply to by Stands24

There exist two places which might contain usable backups.

To avoid confusion, let's look in one place at a time:
Navigate via Windows Explorer to the folder in which you normally save your scores. You should see score titles with a '.mscz' (without the quotes). This is the normal file extension.
Backup files have a trailing comma. They end in '.mscz,' (note the comma at the end). It looks like you found it.
Rename the backup file to get rid of the trailing comma. (Also, if there is a leading period - '.Possible Frost Main Theme.mscz,' - get rid of that also.)
Now, when you double click on this newly renamed file, it should open in MuseScore.
See if that works for you.


In reply to by Stands24

...using Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder with the backup file ('.mscz,' - it has the comma).
Can you *see* the '.mscz, file extension'? Or all you see is 'Possible Frost Main Theme'?

If you can see the '.mscz,' extension, right click on the file and select 'Rename' in the drop down menu. The file name will turn blue with the mouse cursor blinking directly after the comma. Click on the cursor (the file name's color changes again), then hit backspace to move the cursor to the left and thus delete the comma. You'll now have a '.mscz' file which you can double click and it should open in MuseScore, or alternatively be navigated to from within MuseScore.


EDIT: On second thought, why not attach the backup file to your next post? People often do that by mistake, but now would a good time.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I did all that right after initially asking how as a trial-and-error, but it didn't work. I attached an image of what it looks like for me. I can't edit the .mscz, part through renaming. ):

I also tried attaching the file, but the website didn't let me, saying it was a backup and that I should upload the actual score.

EDIT: I forgot to say that in the attached image, I changed it back to its original unaltered name: .Possible Frost Main Theme. I changed it to Possible Frost Main Theme.mscz earlier in an effort to fix it, but nothing changed.
I hope I'm not frustrating you all. I understand what you all are saying and am doing what you suggest, but it isn't working for some reason. ;_;

Attachment Size
Derpy Backup File.png 3.54 KB

In reply to by Stands24

It's been ages since I used XP, but once you get into the mode where you are editing the file name, just use the cursor keys to move all the way to the end of the filename when the ".mscz," is and delete the comma.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It seems I can mess with the name in whatever way I want but I CANNOT touch the file extension. I can highlight it with a dotted outline, but I can't edit it whatsoever.

I think I attached the .mscz, file. Again, its name is the way it was when I first found it because nothing happens when I change it.
I was getting this error message (in the screenshot below) when I tried to attach it again, so I don't know if it worked.

Attachment Size
Possible Frost Main Theme.mscz, 7.49 KB
Attachment Error.png 40.13 KB

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Thank you so much! Well, I thank all of you, really. :3 I was afraid I'd lost all progress on this piece.
The backup's missing a few measures in certain parts that I had worked on, but that's alright. It's nothing major.

Thanks again!

EDIT: How would I turn off the "Hide File Extensions" thing? For future reference?

Bad news I'm afraid.

The zip file which Musescore saves the file in has become corrupted, so consequently the MuseScore file inside cannot be loaded.

There should be at least one backup on your machine which others have pointed you to.

On 6/8, in your title: 'Tried'
You wrote:
"I attached an image of what it looks like for me."
Then you attached 'Derpy Backup File.png' which displays the file:
'Possible Frost Main T...'
Where's the rest of the name?

Here's your 'Derpy Backup File.png' :
If you can't see the 'mscz,' extension after expanding the 'Name' field, see attachment:
'demos file extensions.JPG'

More related info. here:


Attachment Size
Derpy Backup File.png 12.33 KB
demos file extensions.JPG 63.62 KB

Glad your backup was good enough. You can put back the "Hide File Extensions" option by accessing the same menu and dialogs that were explained... although I agree with those who consider hiding file extensions to be a questionable practice - not only for MuseScore backups, but as a general principle:
For example, if I have files displaying as: Score1.mscz, Score1.pdf, Score1.jpg, Score1.mp3
I know I have a file for MuseScore, one for Acrobat Reader, an image file, a sound file... lots more info. is available to me.

Also, when I suggested that you post your backup file (the one Church Organist renamed) I had no idea you would receive an attachment error. See below:

Regards and welcome aboard...

Attachment Size
Old Folder Look.png 101.87 KB

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Yeah, I plan on keeping the file extensions visible. I was meaning to do that for quite some time but it was never important enough and I was never willing to do it.

I was not aware of that. xD I'm glad it's all resolved now. I'm just wondering why it says you absolutely cannot upload .mscz, files, but it still lets them be attached. Confusing...

Thanks again everyone for the help! ^_^

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