Same worksheet in different languages that are linked

• Sep 7, 2020 - 14:11

Hi, I am making basically one worksheet, but in two different languages. Is it possible to have the same worksheet, but with different text languages and also have them linked together somehow? That way I could edit the notes in one worksheet and the changes would be made in the other worksheet with the different language. I tried using "generate parts", but the text is the same in both, obviously. Is there a way to change the text in one worksheet without changing the other one? Or does someone have a better idea of doing this?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Darn, I was hoping you'd have a secret rather than me opening a bug report.

As Marc indicated, the other text items are better for this any way and do work. Those invisible items don't take up space. I advise you to not show invisible items or it will get rather ugly to see the two superimposed on one another.

Depending on what this worksheet entails, I don't think I'd be messing with lyrics for this - usually staff or frame text is better, as spaces can be entered normally that way. But the same approach of entering multiple texts and just making all but one invisible should work. If you post an example we can understand and advise better.

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