mixer windows doesn't have CLOSE icon

• Sep 10, 2020 - 10:15

With MuS 3.5.0 the Mixer window doesn't have the CLOSE icon at the top-right corner (see attachment)
Since it occupies 100% of my display real estate, I cannot resize it and I need to press the WIN key in order to close the application.
When I re-open MuS , it starts immediately with the Mixer.
I guess I'll have to go to previous version if I want to do some work.
Is it a bug?

Attachment Size
MuS_3.5.0-mixer-issue.jpg 108.94 KB


That's a huge mixer window, in so much that I'm wondering whether you have other scaling/DPI issues with MuseScore as well. That window does have the close button at it's top title bar, but that top title bar is offscreen for you.

Does the shortcut for showing/hiding the mixer work? It should be F10.

In reply to by Trottolina

There indeed seem to be some issues with the Windows scaling parameter resulting in wrong values for DPI provided to MuseScore. You could try running musescore from command line using an additional argument to pass the real DPI of your display in:

musescore3.exe -D xxx

Where you replace the xxx with the DPI of your display; Common values are 72, 96, 144, 150, 250

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