Save custom embellishments from script, into custom palette as symbol/element

• Sep 15, 2020 - 07:12

Save custom embellishments from script, into custom palette as symbol/element, how?
It has been done for bagpipes palette, how was it done?
I want to save my notes/embellishments into a palette

Also, is it possible to link one or more gracenotes to the theme note (big end note), and not link the rest?

E.g. some gracenotes are always G, D or E, but the other notes inside the embellishment are relative to the theme note.
If the theme note changes, the relative (offset) position of the others would change.

That would greatly reduce the number of emballishments.
The bagpipe palette already has too many and that instrument has only a 9 note range.

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Untitled.png 95.24 KB


There is no way to add notes to the palette from your score. The bagpipe palette was hand-coded in XML. You can, however, drag from the bagpipe palette to your own. And/or save your palette then hand-edited the file yourself as well.

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