Entering triplets

• Nov 1, 2020 - 22:43

Hi, I am trying to insert a triplet of three quavers into the middle of a bar, I select the first note then press control 3 But the notation changes including semiquaver rests in the triplet. Can anyone advise where I am going wrong? any help would be greatly appreciated. triplets_cropped.png


In reply to by frfancha

In German Mathematik is singular and for good reason ;-)
But it is also female ;->
The confusing part: all plurals turn female (der Mann, die Männer / die Frau, die Frauen / das Ding, die Dinge), at least in nominativ...

Confusing, but by far not as bad as that inch/foot/yard/chain/furlong/mile system ;-)

In reply to by tbottsmusic

As the prime instigator of the light bantering, let me apologize if this caused you any problems. Everyone who responded see each other giving answers all of the time and digressions like that occasionally happen. Mathematics is the name of the field of science (I've never heard it without the s) but when it's shortened I've never heard it with the s in the US. I hope jm6stringer and everyone understands I was simply teasing him about the different varieties of English spoke in the US & UK.

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