Bug report: Soundfont SFZ files not lining up properly (Musescore 3.5)

• Nov 20, 2020 - 09:28


I'm reporting a bug that when I loaded some sfz. files into Musescore 3.5, these files are not lined up in the mixer. Instead, these files are scattered across the general Musescore soundfont. Here is what is look like in Musescore 3.5:

Musescore 3.5 - Sfz soundfonts in mixer.png.png

However, such a problem didn't exist in Musescore 2, as seen in this comparison

Musescore 2.3 - Sfz soundfonts in mixer.png

If Musescore 3.5 can line up in the same way as Musescore 2, that would be lovely. It is much easier to navigate across the mixer. Hopefully, this can be fixed

Lag Is Seriously Real

P.S. Here are the sfz. soundfonts I've tried to load into my scores: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Qxsf0w2DM9nonwNTur_HHSbEui1HlNw…


I think this change was deliberate in that in 3.5 they are attempting to group similar sounds (so that all "piano's" are grouped for example).

In reply to by jeetee

Although what you are saying about the "SIN - Keys - Kawai Upright Piano" makes sense, the fact that "SSO - Brass - Bass Trombone Solo" gets mixed up between Electric Grand and Honky-Tonky Piano should not be the case.

If you follow the list, you see that all the brass instruments are scattered cross between pianos, woodwinds and percussion. That shouldn't happen if the change was deliberate in grouping similar sounds. Even with that, I think to give users the option to move the order of the list would be lovely.

In reply to by Lag Is Serious…

I agree that better ordering would be great; and I believe the mixer is one of the things undergoing a major design review for MS4.

The reason is that the only way soundfonts have to tell us which instrument they are providing sound for, is by placing it at so called "banks/channels" which are defined by General MIDI. Many specialized soundfonts don't follow that standard; either because they don't bother, or simply because General MIDI only defines 128 sounds and the one they're providing isn't present in the standard.
That is why "SSO Brass" is mixed up in a position where it doesn't make sense.

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