Tablature: Wanting Immediate update of frets when I change note pitch in the synced staff

• Dec 7, 2020 - 08:19

I'm working with a treble 8vb guitar staff synced to a tablature staff. When I pitch drag notes in the treble clef the synced tablature staff frets don't update until mouseUp.

I'd much prefer if tablature frets updated whenever there's a "pitch change" in the synced staff. Is there a way to enable that so we can see the result on drag?

If not, I'm posting to see if others would appreciate this sort of live updating—it certainly doesn't seem that it would be prohibitively processor intensive.

Live feedback - Synced Tab updates on mouseUp of treble staff drag.mscz

Similarly I'd like to see similar "live updates" in many other places, where possible, in lieu of using an Apply button, or only seeing the affect post OK.



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks. I forgot to mention that I do resort to the arrow keys. But often I've got the mouse at the note ... so arrowing feels like a needless change of gears, physically and mentally.

Do you see any UX or technical issues with updating the tablature frets on note pitch drag? I don't mean to impose this on everyone as a default; a preference option would be great!

Much appreciated!


In reply to by scorster

I think the biggest change would be finding a way to do so without having each drag register as a separate action. The pitch now is only changed when you release the mouse, and it is that change that then triggers the linked staff to update (it reads the actual pitch from the original staff).
While you're dragging, currently, this pitch isn't updated on the source staff. Updating it there as well, within the current structure would mean that every pitch you pass during dragging would be its own registered action, and thus also fill up the "undo" list. Then again, if you use arrows, this has the same effect on the undo-list.

In reply to by jeetee

>> jeetee wrote >> I think the biggest change would be finding a way to do so without having each drag register as a separate action.

> What's the benefit in registering each dragged note (in the notation staff) as a separate action? Is it that with multiple actions we can't "undo" with single Undo?

>> jeetee wrote >> within the current structure ... every pitch you pass during dragging would be its own registered action, and thus also fill up the "undo" list. Then again, if you use arrows, this has the same effect on the undo-list.

> Agreed, compared to using arrows to change the note pitch the effect on action/undo would be no worse. Except if there were multiple notes dragged simpultaneously.

If that's the issue, how about:

   • for single dragged notes update the tablature on drag
   • on multiple dragged notes update tablature on mouseUp

Interestingly, if I selected multiple notes and press the up or down arrow once, a single Undo resets them everything. So perhaps I'm misunderstanding.



When you "pitch drag notes in the treble clef" what is the urgency to have the TAB numbers update instantly and simultaneously during the drag operation?
Are you "pitch dragging" a single note? A group?

Other than "It would be cool to watch the TAB numbers change while pitch dragging treble clef", what is lacking with the current behavior?

I realize that the TAB staff does not permit the same kind of "pitch dragging" (rather it's an "enharmonic pitch" dragging), so can you provide more specific real life example(s) where the immediate update of TAB frets is desired?

In reply to by Jm6stringer

>> Jm6stringer wrote >> When you "pitch drag notes in the treble clef" what is the urgency to have the TAB numbers update instantly and simultaneously during the drag operation?

If I wrote tablature only for standard guitar tuning (or just for common variants like Drop D or Double Drop D) I probably wouldn't have raised the issue. My need arises from notating for tunings like Tallroth's ADADAD guitar tuning. Between alternate guitar tunings and alternate fiddle tunings I've probably notated scores in about 50 alternate tunings.

I find the requested workflow need more pressing when arranging than when transcribing.

>> Jm6stringer wrote >> Are you "pitch dragging" a single note? A group?

Mostly I drag single notes.

>> Jm6stringer wrote >> Other than "It would be cool to watch the TAB numbers change while pitch dragging treble clef", what is lacking with the current behavior? ... so can you provide more specific real life example(s) where the immediate update of TAB frets is desired?

> I'd hope than cool, responsive and streamlined would be enough reason. But when in a altered tuning, and arranging, I hear and think best in standard notation, not in terms of fret numbers.

I'll watch my workflow over the next few days so I can reply to this accurately.

That said, I regularly use five notation applications. This means remembering a host of keystrokes for a particular action, depending on the app. And while I largely favor keystrokes over the mouse, the mouse is the great leveler when I'm foggy on the keystroke required by the app I'm currently using.

>> Jm6stringer wrote >> I realize that the TAB staff does not permit the same kind of "pitch dragging" (rather it's an "enharmonic pitch" dragging)

MuseScores default "enharmonic pitch" dragging part of the issue. Of course, I can use Option-Shift Up or Down arrow to increment tab numbers "chromatically."

Additionally I haven't found a way to directly change a fret number by selecting and typing a new fret number. This option exists initially on clicking a tablature string in Note Input (step)—when I do this MuseScore highlights the "0" fret with a blue rectangle, signifying that I can enter the desired fret. But **I've never found a way to set MuseScore to that state so I can select a tablature fret number and change that value by typing a number.*

Page 114 of the Handbook states:

     Type 0 to 9 To Enter a fret digit / letter

However this entry suggests the feature is always available; the handbook doesn't state "under what condition" or mode this feature is available, nor how to invoke that state. Perhaps I've overlooked something obvious.



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