Musescore crashing on startup

• Dec 12, 2020 - 01:05

I updated to the most recent version of musescore, and now it won't start. When I try to start it up, it shows a blank score and then crashes. If anyone could help, that would be great!


In reply to by mike320

Sadly I'm crashing too. Just updated to 3.5.2 . I uninstalled then ran the installer again. Was able to install soundfonts then crashed when I closed that box. After repeated starts and crashes opened a file but no sound.
Update: Used Help-> revert to factory settings. I think that fixed it. Windows 10 just updated I wonder..

In reply to by vinnycolletti

Revert to factory settings has been know to fix a lot of unknown problems. The crash at startup after an upgrade has been happening since 3.0 was released and running the installer and using repair usually fixes it.

Windows updates have been known to cause problems unrelated to MuseScore upgrades.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks Mike, I was just running on another W10 machine which has the latest Musescore 3 ver and has been working without issues. I just installed the HD soundfont and after i finished it crashed and restart said the file was corrupt. Works fine again. Just saw the pdf conversion option, wow. Musescore is just plain awesome!

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