Possible to copy/paste Lines and Barres? Or to set a style for them?

• Dec 11, 2020 - 23:57

Is there a way to copy/paste Lines and Barres? Orperhpas a way to set a style for them that I can apply to any score without walloping the score with other unwanted styles? (Haven't yet explored Save and Load styles.)

Reason being, In my usage, Lines require a lot of customization:

• Line thickness
• Line style:Custom Dashed
• Dash line length
• Dash gap width
• Begin Text (of which I've reported bug; just noticed that Continue Text has the same bug, that the field closes when you first click in it End Text works as expected.)
• Begin Text font face
• Begin Text fontSize




Once back to work I realized once yet that it would be great if Lines in Tablature staves could optionally inherit (and also override) the style of a Line object in the linked notation staff. For me that would eliminate half of the tedium in maintaining a consistent style in a score.

Hopefully I'm just overlooking something obvious!


You can set up a line the way you want it to look with all of those details then use ctrl+shift while you drag it to a palette to reuse like built in lines.

In reply to by mike320

Hi Mike,

MuseScore's palettes are amazing. Hat's off to the person or crew that designed them and the range of flexibility. I've customized them and created new palettes, which has proved to be an enormous time saver. But I keep forgetting about the option to add basically anything to them. So thanks for the reminder.

Your suggestion will help in my scoring, but only if I establish an ideal style before dragging the Line object to the palette ... and if I don't make changes in the score that would lead me to want to alter a style aspect of all Line objects.

Looking forward to more universal and robust style options. Nice stuff so far.


In reply to by scorster

I've needed specialized lines for different scores so I customize them for the score then either delete or hide them when I'm done with the score depending on if I think I'll use them again. I do have some specialized lines like "cresc. poco a poco" with an invisible line.

In reply to by mike320

Hi Mike

Thanks for your eye to detail! I've updated my post to prevent further confusion.

When I wrote "command=drag" I meant "command-shift-drag" ... and indeed in MuseScore"command-shift-drag" affords copy drag. But on the Mac the well established norm for copy-drag is option-drag. That was one of the points I was trying to make.



In reply to by scorster

I know that normally ctrl on windows is cmd on Mac but not always. I'd never heard of not pressing shift with either key in MuseScore for a copy so I looked it up in the manual thinking the absent shift was an oversight.

I believe the ctrl(cmd)+shift was used because Windows has no equivalent of option for such a basic command that is not user definable. This is one of the compromises that was made for cross-development. There were others as well, like not using Alt for actions that cannot be user defined since some Linux systems capture this.

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