Drum's rests

• Dec 14, 2020 - 10:03

Hello ! Is there a way to correct the y-axis position of voice rests and save it as a preset ? Currently , I use filter + inspector > select rests > y axis ( 1st voice y = -0,5 ; 2nd -1,75 ; 3rd 7,5 ) . The thing is , I am working on putting simple rhytmic patterns ( many patterns ) on a simple drum's sequentions . And , I realized , that may be this correction could be automatized ? Regards , Artyom


Well , I found information that there should be a „save as style“ button right in the inspector . So , in theory , I could customize a specific formatting style for drums . But where is this button ? And , also , is there „rests“ subcategory in format > style ? Artyom

Attachment Size
Missing button.png 418.03 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hello Jojo ! Thank you for your answer . Yet still , no sideways scrolling is available , and width , being at its maximum , doesn't reveal the expected button . I made inspector very small , so scrolling opportunity emerged , but ( as you could see by the scrolling icons ) I put it at extreme right to no result . Redards , Artyom

Attachment Size
Wider inspector.png 320.34 KB
Scrolling maximum opportunities.png 325.19 KB

I would say the problem is inherent in trying to use three voices here. That should never be necessary. Drum parts can always be entered with only 2 - actually, it's always possible to do with 1, but the standard is 2. is there a reason you are going out of your way to enter parts using three voices?

Well , weighting all scenarios at different criteria , I decide to continue using an ad hoc methodology . Loading preset takes 5 seconds of time , and manual correction takes 15 seconds . May be it is even better to just simply write the physical notation . Thank you and Best regards , Artyom

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