pizzicato settings lost when copied

• Dec 30, 2020 - 16:53

Working on a score with several string instruments. When instrument changed to pizzicato, I set the violin to pizzicato and then copied the blank measure to other stringed instruments. When notes were added only the violin played pizz. on playback. This was even though the other instruments showed pizz. in the staff text properties. Further if I had a complete measure with notes and copied to others, again the pizz. did not playback even though staff text properties said it was pizz.
On a related issue, if I had a measure where notes were played back correctly and then I used R to copy a note while editting, the copied notes played back arco. Also if I copied and pasted individually, they did not playback pizz. Only way to get proper playback was to insert notes cleanly as new notes or remove the staff text and redefine anew with a pizz. setting.


You can right click the pizz. choose Staff text properties and press enter on any pizz. or arco in the score and all of them will update to make the succeeding notes play properly. It's been this way as long as I remember. It's a bit late to fix it for 3.6 I think. I will put this on my list of things to look for in version 4 when that time comes.

In reply to by msokol

To be clear, I've see this as long as I can remember. I got used to fixing it by just opening staff text properties and pressing enter to fix it. I never submitted a bug report because I was usually involved with something else when I saw it. The fix is very simple, you don't have to reenter any notes, just open any staff text properties in the score and press enter and it will fix all texts. You can submit a bug report if you like but I have doubts it will make it into 3.6 but in the likely event there's a 3.6.1 it could make it there.

In reply to by mike320

I agree that there is an easy workaround. The only issue is that the copy look like it worked; the staff text is copied and the staff text properties present themselves as if the copy worked but the disconnect is in the playback, not the visual presentation. Just have an issue with copying something and getting incomplete results. I know playback is not the major focus but would hope it worked. I will leave it at that and if someone picks up on the issue and wants to fix it, then that is okay too. Thanks for your continued comments for those of us who are not so musically inclined.

In reply to by msokol

It's much more likely to be fixed if you submit it to the issue tracker along with a sample score and precise steps to reproduce the problem. In general, I don't find any problems with staff text properties on copy/paste, but I'm sure there are some corner cases where it doesn't work, so we'd need to know how to find them, and the issue tracker is the place to, well, track this.

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