Specific file crashes Musescore when opening it

• Feb 1, 2021 - 01:10


I recently tried to open this file after i updated musescore to 3.6.0. Sadly it crashes every time i try. I also tried to open the backup files but without success. Besides that every file opens normally.
I would be very grateful for any help since it put a lot of work into this score.
Thanks in advance!

Attachment Size
#7.mscz 97.05 KB


In reply to by bobjp

There was an issue with scores containing a start repeat which were saved in continuous view. This should be fixed in 3.6.1
If my attachment No. 7 opens for you ok, save it in continuous view and re-open. Does it then crash?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Well, do you know what the worst thing about getting old is? It's....I forget what it is. Just like I forgot that while I had updated to 3.6.1, I hadn't yet on the computer I was using when I tried the file.
I remember a time when....no I don't.

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