no lines or text available in the palette menu

• Feb 17, 2021 - 13:11

no lines or text available in the palette menu. Is there a fix for this?


In reply to by Basshead21

the driver version don't mean a thing to me/us. What is important is whether your display driver supportes OpenGL 2
Windows 7 is unsupprted since more than a year now, by Microsoft. Time to update to 8.1 or, better, 10, which is still free

That hasn't change between 3.6(.0) and 3.6.2 though. but is true since at least 3.5, probably earlier

My guess is you palette is simply too narrow to display those symbols, try widening it.

If that's not it, please descrieb the issue in more detail, and include a screenshot. I take it other elements like clefs etc display normally?

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