Default dynamics

• Mar 16, 2021 - 19:20


If i dont use any of the dynamic marks in the score (like p or mf) what is the default dynamics that the piece is set to? Judging by my ear it seems to be "mf" but I would like to be sure.


And no guarantee a human musician reading your score will interpret it that way. If you care about dynamics - which you apparently do! - do not rely on whatever any one program or person mighty happen to default to. Always be explicit.

In reply to by ancanar1

"do not rely on whatever any one program or person mighty happen to default to"

It is (or should be) entirely irrelevant what the default at this point in time in the current stable version happens to be. If you care about the dynamic/velocity, then place one.
There is zero guarantee that the current default will be the default in any other version.

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