Frustrated with rests

• Mar 28, 2021 - 11:55

I need to write my frustrations about rests down.

I get it that a measure needs to be correct. But the program automatically adds rests where notes are not present. But when I want to add notes in that bar, the rests won't disappear and the program refuses to add the correct notes. Instead, it changes the duration of previous notes, or deletes another note. It is so frustrating. Why not let me add notes where I like, and just give an indication I need to add something.

And I can't find any useful advice. Tutorials which I've viewed don't address this.

Musescore, is there anything that can be done?


MuseScore uses voices per staff.
These voices are numbered by staff.
So there is a voice1 for each staff (do not confuse that with S of SATB!)
MuseScore uses voice 1 of each staff as an indicator of where your "cursor" is in that staff.
So MuseScore must/needs/requires notes or rests to be "complete" for that voice 1.
There is no way in MuseScore to have a measure half full and to be able to add something at 3/4 of the measure. There is no "tick" indicator that would allow you to set your cursor.
You need something at the 3/4 position to be able to put your cursor there and enter the desired note.
Therefore you may seem having plenty of "wrong" rests while entering music.
But actually all these rests are just replaced by notes when entering music. And the positions where no notes is required will need rests anyway.
So that is not a problem it is just a way of working.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This a bit (very) condescending...
In the attached score measure 32 has been extended meaning our friend has accidentaly entered insert mode.
So first thing to explain is that he shouldn't and that by a "full delete" of some rests (or notes) using ctrl+del he will get back a measure of normal length

In reply to by frfancha

That had been explained before already as far as I can tell, I was answering the question how to enter the measure from that image.
example how it should be.png

at first shows that there's a triplet at a place whe no triplete is due.

All the rests later indeed might be due to having gotten into insert mode, the initial triplet sure is not.

You (correcly) explaind hiow to enter voices, but those are not relevant here at all as far as I can tell

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