Version 3.6 again has this problem: Mute voice produces note that doesn't stop when overlap present

• Mar 31, 2021 - 02:54

I am having a hard time getting individual voices in a staff to play. The mute buttons are inconsistent. It will either not mute the voice, or just as with issue #282165, it will play constant notes from the muted voice.

I have tried several things with the multiple mute/solo buttons in the mixer, but keep getting this issue. I saw that this was supposedly fixed in v3.3.0, but it is back in my version, (the latest available).


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry, here is the file I've been working on. Specifically, I cannot isolate the tenor voice. In previous versions I simply selected the TENOR LEAD voice and muted the LEAD voice using the "Mute Voice" buttons. This version introduced the expanded mixer voice below where I can target both voices in the staff individually. If I mute the LEAD using the red M button, it does not mute that voice. If I use the Mute Voice buttons above, the reported problem occurs, where every note is sustained throughout.

Let me know if you can reproduce. I can perhaps do a recording of my steps if needed.

In reply to by jdoverton

There's nothing muted.

BTW, for the BARI/BASS staff you really should be using voice 1 and 2 too rather than 3 and 4, thern there's no need to play tricks with making voice 1 rests white (or invisible).

And if you use the T/L and B/B tests from the text palette, you can unfold the 'instruments' in Mixer and deal with the voices independantly

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