Different dynamics on different piano hands?
Hi. I'm trying to write a piece that calls for different dynamics on different hands. It doesn't seem as if MuseScore is doing this during MIDI playback, it seems to only render the quieter dynamic for both hands. Even if the right hand is playing fff, if the left hand is playing ppp they will both play as ppp. Sure, for a pianist reading a print out this would be no problem, but if I go to render this in a MIDI plugin it certainly will be. Any help?
In reply to https://musescore.org/en/hand by Isaac Weiss
That doesn't answer my question. I already know how to apply dynamics. I'm asking specifically about the piano thing mentioned above.
In reply to That doesn't answer my by Matt Tucci
Read up what that URL above points at again. By default dynamics apply to the Instrument (all staves of it, 2 for Piano, 3 for Organ), but you can change that via the Inspector to affect the entire system or just a single staff
In reply to https://musescore.org/en/hand by Isaac Weiss
Great, but question, is it there a way to change the default setting of dynamics? If I want to prioritize dynamis in pentagrams rather than in parts or systems, so I don't have to change that property of the dynamic every time?
In reply to Great, but question, is it… by BarbierMusic
For each dynamic, you can add it to a score, adjust the dynamic range then press ctrl+shift and drag it to a plaette. I would suggest that you create a palette especially for single staff dynamics so you don't have a problem figuring out which is which.
Use the Inspector...
In reply to Use the Inspector... by Jm6stringer
Ah! Thanks!
In reply to Use the Inspector... by Jm6stringer
This just helped me, 3 years after you wrote it. Thanks!
In reply to This just helped me, 3 years… by Kent Livezey
Same here.
But then the next question: what about different dynamics within the same hand, e.g. when one hand plays different 'voices'?
In reply to Same here. But then the next… by Wieland Claes
Currently, you can use the Inspector to alter the velocity settings. Someday we may support a more direct way to set dynamic range to voice.
In reply to Same here. But then the next… by Wieland Claes
See #58031: Dynamics/hairpin range for Voice
In reply to Same here. But then the next… by Wieland Claes
honestly, just add a stave
In reply to honestly, just add a stave by zewensenpai
That is a workaround, but wastes precious space
In reply to Use the Inspector... by Jm6stringer
Thank you sooo much!
In reply to Use the Inspector... by Jm6stringer
Great! Really helpfull!!! Thank you very much!
In reply to Use the Inspector... by Jm6stringer
Thank you!!
In reply to Use the Inspector... by Jm6stringer
This is not working for me, regardless of whether I change the dynamics to part, stave or system, it plays both parts as quiet, though I have the upper hand marked p and the lower hand marked ff. I'm pretty sure it used to work, unless I'm doing something wrong now.
In reply to This is not working for me,… by Sandra Howe
Please attach the problematic score, and mention the specific dynamics (what measure, which staff).
In reply to Use the Inspector... by Jm6stringer
This helped me, thank you!!
In reply to Use the Inspector... by Jm6stringer
Can you please tell me how one accesses the Inspector?
In reply to Can you please tell me how… by hschling
Press F8
In reply to Press F8 by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you. Press f8 while doing what? Also this works in news 4.4.4?
In reply to Thank you. Press f8 while… by hschling
"Inspector" is the name for it in releases from several years ago. Now it's called "Properties". And yes, it works in 4.4.4. Properties should show by default on the left sidebar, but if you don't see it (perhaps because you just closed it by press F8), press F8 again to reopen it. You don'y have to be doing anything special for that to work - it should open and close the Properties panel pretty much no matter what you are doing. Or use the View menu.
In reply to "Inspector" is the name for… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks. When I press F8, nothing happens on my score. But I do see properties. This is what I see. But I still don't understand how to have different dynamics for the left and right hand on a piano score.
In reply to Thanks. When I press F8,… by hschling
Now that you have the Properties panel open, select a dynamic you want to affect only a single staff, and you will see the relevant options.
In reply to Now that you have the… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you again. Sorry for seeming so dense, but when I select the dynamic that I want to only affect a single staff, these are the options that I get. Are you talking about selecting P1 or P2 etc.? If so, as it stands right now, I have used P1 for both staves, so that doesn't work for having different dynamics for the left or right hand. Am I missing something?
In reply to Thank you again. Sorry for… by hschling
The default is "All voices on instrument" - indicated by the "All" button being highlighted. Click that to see the dropdown menu that allows you to select "this staff only".
For more info on this (and pretty much any) topic, be sure to check out the online Handbook. It is actually in the process of being moved to a different server, but for now at least, here is the Dynamics section: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/dynamics.
In reply to The default is "All voices… by Marc Sabatella
Many thanks! That did it!
how to do this on Musescore 4 ? thx
In reply to how to do this on Musescore… by Pojcharaphol B…
In reply to how to do this on Musescore… by Pojcharaphol B…
This might be a little late as you might have found a solution by now, but a workaround you can do is have "two" different piano parts, such that one piano part is playing the right hand, and the other is playing the left. That way you can set different dynamics for those different parts.