Template is Creating linked Staves

• Jul 1, 2021 - 01:55

I am trying to create a template file a multi instrument score. The template file has 6 Piano Grand Stave's in it and I have my style and everything set how I want it.

I have been able to save the file into the MuseScore > Templates system folder and then use the template to create a new file HOWEVER when the new file is created all of the grand staves are linked (ie 6 grand staves and each treble and bass clef linked together). They are not linked in the original template file but when I create a new file they are all linked and I can seem to find out either a) how to unlink them or b) how to have them not be linked in the first place.


By linked I meant that If you go into "Instruments" in a file that has been created using the template (file attached. This shows up in the custom templates menu so I believe I have saved it in the correct location) then all the staves are checked as linked (see attachment). They are not linked in the original template file and I can find a way to unlink them and I'd like to avoid having to add the staves in each time.

Attachment Size
MultiLevel.mscz 27.69 KB
musescore.PNG 70.28 KB

In reply to by Brilliant Music Co

That score got created with MuseScore 3.3.4, better update to 3.6.2

Using it as a template in 3.6.2 indeed creates linked staves, not sure why, possible because it stemming from 3.3.4? But even saveing it with 3.6.2 doesn't help.
What does help is to recreate it from scratch, check the attached (default style setting, 6 Pianos with the same naming as in your template, no parts (yet))

Attachment Size
MultiLevel.mscz 13.33 KB

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