Volta numbers disappear
I went to volta to toy with moving the beginning point slightly to the left, hoping to lower the auto placement.
No joy and the volta numbers disappeared.
I find no way to make them reappear, including trying in the inspector.
EDIT: I achieved this by trying to move the numbers by going to the x/y offset and changing the numbers via replacing them. I guess I moved them and didn't notice where because they were obscured by the other elements. I moved them via the arrows and was able to trace how they moved. (End edit).
How can I fix this?
I haven't seen this happen, and if you use any of the jazz templates, the default position of voltas is already moved to the left a bit for exactly this reason. Anyhow, if you attach a sample score with this problem, we can investigate.
In reply to I haven't seen this happen,… by Marc Sabatella
In reply to Score by xavierjazz
I am seeing the numbers on the first two volta's in that score, but they are colliding with the notation of the top staff. They do have quite a high Y-offset of 2,20 applied to them...
But then again, that only seems to be an "issue" in continuous view? In Page View they look just as expected.
In reply to I haven't seen this happen,… by Marc Sabatella
I have made my own template. I am trying to get everything in MuseJazz but it's still a work in progress.
In reply to I have made my own template… by xavierjazz
Switch to Page View and you should see them.
Or do some tests with the alignment
In reply to Switch to Page View and you… by Shoichi
Page view works when I adjust the 2nd ending, thanks, and the numbers reappeared in the continuous view. However when I apply it to the 1st ending the number acts in the opposite manner, moving it in the opposite direction to what is displayed. ???
In reply to Page view works when I… by xavierjazz
Your score (born with 3.0.2?) as appear to me
The numbers have not disappeared but collide.
Allign bottom edge via Ispector?
In reply to Your score (born with 3.0.2?… by Shoichi
In reply to Your score (born with 3.0.2?… by Shoichi
A couple of other points:
Continuous view has some special code in to make it faster, so it doesn't need to lay out the entire score every time you make a small change. A side effect of this is, sometimes you'll see some collisions you wouldn't see in page view.
The numbers are really oddly positioned relative to the volta here. I guess something didn't translate over correctly from the older template. I'm thinking, either fix the begin text offset (current 2.20 sp) to be much less, or change the alignment of the text to baseline instead of top. The latter is what the default settings do. So I'm thinking your template must for some reason have changed this top. Or, an older version of MsueScore might have had that default, but presumably a different offset, and somehow your template got the old alignment but new offset. Fix it in the template and things should be much better.
In reply to A couple of other points: … by Marc Sabatella
Is this what you mean?
In reply to Is this what you mean? … by xavierjazz
Yes. I kind of like the approach of having top alignment with a small offset as you have it here, even though that's not the default, just makes more intuitive sense to me. But either way works.
In reply to Yes. I kind of like the… by Marc Sabatella
I'm still curious as to why the number 2. in the 2nd volta moves left when middle and right are selected?
In reply to I'm still curious as to why… by xavierjazz
In reply to I'm still curious as to why… by xavierjazz
The alignment controls which part of the "2" is aligned with the left edge of the volta itself - the left, middle, or right. Right now, with left alignment, it's the left edge of the 2 that aligns with the left edge of the volta - the the number starts at the edge of the volta (well, with a 0.6 offset as set for the text just below the alignment control). If you set it to right alignment, then the right edge of the 2 is aligned with the left edge of the volta. That means the number ends at the edge of the volta.
So yes, in general, changing from left to alignment moves things to the left, not just for voltas, but for anything. Left align means it starts here and extends to the right. Right alignment means it ends here and extends to the left.
In reply to The alignment controls which… by Marc Sabatella
Well, the 1st and 2nd voltas work in opposite directions.
In reply to Well, the 1st and 2nd voltas… by xavierjazz
I'm not seeing that. Both numbers work as I expect - right-aligned if I choose that, left-aligned otherwise. Are you talking about the original version of the score you posted? Can you post the version with this change applied?
In reply to I'm not seeing that. Both… by Marc Sabatella
Perhaps I had lost my mind. :)