
• Nov 18, 2021 - 19:47

In the support web site, the available ornaments are as in "Ornaments from support" below. But in Musescore 3.6 they are as in "Ornaments from the app" below.

Row 3, column 1, the "down prall" (the symbol I want) in the support website, has been replaced with "Up prall with mordent". Can I have Down prall back again please?

Yes, I did look at the master palate. It isn't there either.


Not sure what the first picture is, but it seems to be from an older version of MuseScore. Current versions should have the More button, and pressing it should show more ornaments, just as it promises.

As far as I can tell, the symbol in row 3 column one of the first picture is the same as the one in row 2, column 5 in the second picture. That's because the width of the palette window is different between the two picture, and because you have apparently customized your palette to add the turn with slash.

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