Playback doesn't work

• Dec 11, 2021 - 12:01

All playback buttons as well as the mixer and synthesizer are grayed out. When I go to I/O settings I am unable to select anything. I have tried restoring musescore factory settings as well as restarting audio and midi devices. Everything was working fine a few days ago until this randomly happened the day before yesterday I believe. I suspect that the issue is that musescore is unable to detect my audio drivers, as audio is working fine elsewhere. It may also be that the computer is unable to detect any soundfonts due to a different icon next to the path in the general preferences. Screeenshots attatched.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Alright, I'm on MacOS Big Sur using MuseScore 3 64bit, I am using a pair of studio monitors and an external audio interface (only for input, the monitors go directly into the computer headphone jack)
I've tried removing the audio interface with no luck.

EDIT: I've also just completely uninstalled musescore and redownloaded it with no luck.

In reply to by Milo McCarthy Music

If this is a laptop, try disconnecting the monitor speakers. Leave the interface disconnected. Make sure the internal speakers play some music file. Then restart the computer.
Reinstall of the software seldom works. Macs can be kind of picky about sound output to various devices. Depends on the computer, the OS, and the output device. I'm on Windows. I have one pair of headphones that work great for everything. But as soon as I try to use them with MuseScore, it crashes. All my other headphones work fine. My point is that you may just need to find the combination that works. And make sure that output is showing up in Apple/System Preferences/Sound/Output

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks for the reply bob, It isn't a laptop, it's a Mac Mini. I might get onto Apple about it even though I know it's a musescore problem purely because I've asked quite a lot of musescore users with no luck. Even though audio does work fine elsewhere, I do sometimes get an issue where the audio sort of crashes and when I try to play audio or video files from finder or quicktime player or view any audio or video on an online media player it won't play until I restart the machine. I have a vague feeling it might be related to that.

In reply to by Milo McCarthy Music

Sibelius can have the same audio problems, also. No sound in the program, but there is sound in other applications. So it may be notation software in general. It's important to check the audio output settings. Your mention of having to restart to get audio to work is interesting. Personally, I turn my computer off if I'm using it for awhile. And always at the end of the day. Though I realize that there are many situations where the computer needs to be on most of the time. In that case, a restart now and then might help. Lots of programs don't like to work after the computer wakes up from being put to sleep. So I never do that, either.

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