Fonts in workspaces and toolbars are too small

• Jan 17, 2022 - 09:09

Tried to download again, no improvement after pressing all the options

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777.PNG 74.54 KB


On systems where this happens, the workaround described in that thread of using the "-D" option to tell MuseScore the correct resolution should fix it. But also, on Windows, it may work to change the compatibility / high DPI properties for the ".exe" file.

In reply to by grant890816

Do this in the properties for the desktop icon and you only need to do it once.

The other method I describe if for the MuseScore “.exe” itself. Not any score of yours, but the actual program itself, in C:\Program Files\MuseScore3\bin. The advantage of setting options here instead of the desktop icon is that it also works when starting MuseScore by double-clicking a score. The “system” or “system enhanced” options often work well. Unfortunately every system is different so it’s tough to give one set of instructions that always work.

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