Moved notes don't play properly

• Jan 30, 2022 - 20:34

When I first place a note on the staff, it plays properly. When I move it up or down, the sound played is the original note. Help! I've just downloaded version 3.2.6 and installed onto my Win 8.1 PC.


Score needed, but I guess you used double click that select the note rather than single click and this put it into edit mode an move or up only visualy

Sounds like you are trying to change pitch by dragging. Don't, that's likely to have the side effect you mention unless you hit happen to click just right. Instead, if you need to change a note pitch, just use the arrow keys.

In reply to by dkrabill

It's not that dragging is "bad", but that there are two types of dragging, and one adjusts pitch, the other physical position only. So you have to pay very close attention to whether you start the drag with a single or double click. And on top of that, dragging is just plain slower and less precise than using the arrow keys. So not only do you have to be very careful to do the right type of drag, but you also have to be sure to release on exactly the right line or space, which can be tricky unless you're zoomed in far enough. It works if you're careful about all that, but the arrow keys are just so much easier and more reliable.

So for all of those reasons, I don't personally recommend dragging, but it's not inherently "bad".

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