My MSCZ won’t open

• Feb 21, 2022 - 14:27

After Musescore had some crazy sound bugs, I hit factory reset after making sure that everything was saved and had been backed up. Lo and behold, my score (some six months of work for a charity) cannot open, even though I have the mscz file and it’s backup. What do I do?


You can start by providing more detailed information about the problem and attaching the score that you are having difficulty with.


  1. Which version of Musescore are you trying to open the score with and what operating system? Those can both be found from the [Help]>[About] menu. There is a copy button in the menu that you can use and then paste the information directly into your forum reply.

  2. Did you create the score in that version or was it created in an earlier version?

  3. Was the score created in Musescore or by importing from another application or by importing/converting a .pdf file?

  4. How are you trying to open your score - from the [File]>[Open] menu? from the [File]>[Open recent] menu? from the Start Centre? by clicking on the file in your file manager? Some other way?

  5. Does it open if you try one of the other methods mentioned above?

6, What happens when you try to open the score? Is there an error message?

  1. Please remember to attach the score (.mscz file).

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