Using the Midi Keyboard

• Mar 16, 2022 - 20:28

I should know how to do this as I already did it but now I am at a loss. Instead of using the built in keyboard what steps do you need to take to use your midi controller keyboard? New sheet music I thought hitting the N button to enter notes and then just use your midi keyboard would work just like it does with the built in keyboard but it does not?


It should. be sure to connect and turn it on before starting MuseScore. If still no results, check that it is selected as your MIDI input device in Edit / Preferences / I/O

In reply to by captain_roop

Sounds like there is an issue with the device driver for the keyboard, so make sure it's installed and up to date. That, or some other program on your system has requested and received exclusive use of the device. You could try rebooting and being sure to connect, turn on keyboard, and start MuseScore all before starting any other audio software (and make sure nothing else has installed itself to start automatically at boot).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well the only thing I play my midi keyboard through to get sound is analog V software that is what allows the midi keyboard to make it sounds it has no audio output from the keyboard itself. From that software I can get my pianos, organs and a list of other instruments as well. If that is not on I hear nothing? Any chance that is it, can both of them be on at the same time?

In reply to by captain_roop

OK well I figured it out as far as getting my midi keyboard to show up and work in Musescore. So that part is done. One thing I noticed and it may not do it all the time but when I lay a note down NOT bumping any other keys but it will place another note right beside that one. Not sure why it does that. It almost acts like it jams it up with future notes as well, like if I did not catch the first wrong note jammed up against the correct note then a third note will also jammed up next to the other two notes and so on.

Now I am not playing like a professional, but I was going to have someone over that can play well and if we are going to do this where she plays and we put in on sheet music I don't want it to jammed up. I hope I have all the setting correctly for doing this, but I am fairly new to Musescore so I may not have it down yet.

In reply to by captain_roop

Playing well won't really help with input to MuseScore, because it's still basically a one-note-at-atime process. Even if you use one of the real-time input modes, it's pretty limited in what it can handle, so be sure to read the documentation carefully and watch the tutorial video demonstrating how it works. Don't expect she will just be able to play normally and have it notated as she plays - it just doesn't work that way.

In reply to by captain_roop

The link to the video is at the bottom of the same handbook page as the instructions themselves -

Generally speaking, the fastest way to enter music into MuseScore - or most notation programs - is typing using keyboard shortcuts. Occasionally step-time MIDI input can be as fast as or even faster. The sort of AI required for real-time MIDI to approach either of these in efficiency or accuracy just isn’t there yet.

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