Accents too loud.

• Mar 18, 2022 - 22:02

I cannot find a way to alter the emphasis that accents apply.

Any direction?



I uncheck “Play” in the accent properties so that the mark is for show only, then select the note and add velocity offset to taste.

(I wonder if a velocity offset could be a property of the accent mark? There really is no one-size-fits-all.)

In reply to by scott.1

There is an per-instrument setting for articulations, embeded in the instrument's definition.
Only very (very very) few instruments make use of it, the vast majority used the global defaults.

Like this:

        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
        <Articulation name="staccato">
        <Articulation name="portato">
        <Articulation name="tenuto">
        <Articulation name="marcato">
        <Articulation name="sforzato">
        <Articulation name="sforzatoStaccato">
        <Articulation name="marcatoStaccato">
        <Articulation name="marcatoTenuto">

In reply to by xavierjazz

Marcato means different things in the classical and jazz worlds. To most classical musicians, it means louder than a standard accent but the same length. To most jazz musicians, it means shorter than a standard accent but the same volume. It's a relatively uncommon marking in the classical world, so the MuseScore default is the jazz interpretation.

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