Multimeasure rests

• Apr 11, 2022 - 22:26

My 70-bar multi measure rest for the choir is broken up into a bunch of smaller multi-measure rests sections with one measure between each. I've tried everything I know and can't turn it into a 70-bar multi-measure rest.
Why? What am I missing?

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Please share the actual score for inspection.
Most likely you have elements in there that make it so those bars aren't regarded as "empty". Or those bars have the "break mutlimeasure rests" option enabled in their properties.

In reply to by fabimezzo

You have all sorts of invisible /muted staves that are not empty. Were you perhaps simply trying to create a vocal par without instruments? That's not the way to do it; instead see File / Parts and the Handbook section on parts for more info.

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