audio track

• Apr 15, 2022 - 11:04

Is it possible to import an audio track into Musescore?
Or is it possible to sync Musescore to an audio app, so I can hear my composition in sync with a pre-created audio track?
So far I have only been able to first create the musescore sound and then add audio later.


In reply to by arjenvdm

Instead of importing an existing audio track into a music notator like MuseScore, load it into an audio editor like Audacity. Then, from within MuseScore, export your new parts as audio and add it to the existing track in Audacity.

MuseScore is a score writer which produces notation sheets - to be read by human musicians.
Audacity is an audio editor which can combine and enhance sound tracks - to be heard by anyone.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank you. I've been doing that in SoundBooth. Syncing appears to be difficult, unless the audio track was recorded with a click track. (the one Im trying now was not). Does anyone have hints on how to sync the two if the audio track was not recorded with a click track? (I once heard a music producer remark that "these days you can sync anything and everything" or words along that line)

It's not impossible that someday MuseScore would allow an audio track to be played back. Meanwhile, though, you can get this result by installing JACK and using it to connect MuseScore to your favorite DAW software. MuseScorew would then "drive" the playback, but the playback would actually be happening within the DAW. And presumably most DAW software could do this, although I have no idea how one might set it up.

Voce vai conseguir fazer isso no cubase. Add uma trilha de audio e compondo seu instrumentos VST.
É possivel fazer isso no Finale. Mas todas as vezes, não consigo sincronizar o audio com a partitura.

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