Cannot control whether a Chord symbol in a part/excerpt must be played or not

• Jun 16, 2022 - 21:58

In an except/part the "Play" flag of a Chord Symbols seems to have no effect.
Only the flag on the main part has an effect. On itself and on all the sub-parts/excerpts.
Issue ? Or "as designed" ? Or any way to change this behaviour ?
Any ways, the User Interface let's you think you can control whether a Chord Symbol must be played or not at the level of the sub-part while this is not the case.

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chords don't play.mscz 7.15 KB


I think "by design", as it is the same for the "play" setting of a note.
The logic is likely that changing the "play" property counts as content and not layout; which frankly I can follow.

It'd make sense to fix setting the property from the part though.

In reply to by jeetee

You're right. This is definitely not a layout stuff.
But when I'm working (i.e. composing) a piece, or analysing a jazz transcription, I'd like to be able to isolate from time to time an instrument and hear how it behaves regarding the chosen chords. So I'd like to be able to unmute the chord symbols at the part level, but mute them a the score level. This could be achieved through the settings, but it is a little bit fastidious.
So it don't find it unlogical to be able to control this at the part-level.

But, anyway, the fact that the checkbox at the part level doesn't to anything should be fixed.

In reply to by jeetee

How would you do that ?
With the mixer, you can't mute/unmute the Chord Symbols. All I can do is to "solo" the track I'd like to listen to. But that doesn't change anything about whether the chord symbols are played or not, does it?
IMO the only ways to mute/unmute the chord symbols are either via their "play" property (which applies to the score and its sub-parts) or via the stylesheet.

In reply to by jeetee

I think it's not so much deliberate as a semi-unavoidable fact of how part playback works. It's not treated as a separate score, but it actually uses the MIDI data from the full score but with the relevant instruments soloed. More or less, anyhow. I recall this change having been made somewhere not long before release of 3.0 (or perhaps slightly afterward) and it having caused more extreme problems at first until things were dialed in a bit better. But definitely, that was before chord symbol playback was a thing.

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