Better keyboard shortcut tooltip for Tie

• Jul 7, 2022 - 18:57

Right now, when you hover over the tie function in Musescore 3 (on the bar on the top of the screen with all the functions), it says "Tie (+)". The + in the parentheses is the keyboard shortcut.

I suggest changing the tooltip to say "Tie (Shift + =)". This confused me for quite a while.


Sorry, I disagree.
On my keyboard, the only way to type a + symbol is to hold down the Shift key first. So your suggestion for a different tooltip is actually very confusing. For example, it surely suggests that creating a tie involves pressing the = key (which does not use Shift)?

AFAIK... There's nothing wrong with + for 'Tie'
Consider that 'Increase Layout Stretch' is } and not Shift + ]
and 'Decrease Layout Stretch' is { and not Shift + [
and 'Add crescendo' is < and not Shift +,
and 'Add decrescendo' is > and not Shift + .

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