How to write a note played simultaneously on 2 different strings at the same time?

• Aug 25, 2022 - 16:34

I'm trying to notate a piece for the classical guitar and it calls for playing two of the exact same notes (pitch wise) at the same time on different strings. I can't place a note on one side of the stem and the same note on the other side of the stem which is essential for me. How would I do that? On the attached image, the high E in the second full measure needs to appear on the right side of the E in the fourth space in blue. When I drag it down, it becomes a single note. However, one of the E's is played on the open first string of the guitar and the other on the third string.

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Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 6.06.38 PM.png 136.48 KB


If they become a single note after dragging them, then you didn't alter the pitch of the upper note at all.
Try this:
1. Click on the top E to select it
2. Press Ctrl/Cmd + Down Arrow to have it move down an octave

Both E's will now show, each on one side of the stem

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