Program won't start - process runs, but no program

• Sep 3, 2022 - 12:24


As of today I can't open Musescore, neither the program itself or any saved .mscz files. I've tried repairing & completely reinstalling, running it with both -F and -w arguments without any luck. When I open up the task manager I can see the MuseScore process running (several, if I keep trying to open files) but the actual program never appears.

Freshly installed program, downloaded today (september 3rd 2022). Running Windows 10.

Any idea on what I can do to fix this?

Thanks in advance!


For Windows 10 try this:
Open Control Panel > Programs and features > then select MuseScore 3 and click 'Repair'.

Another thought:
In the MuseScore 3 installation folder in 'Program Files' open the 'bin' folder then right click on 'MuseScore 3.exe' then Properties > Compatibility, and then 'Run compatibility troubleshooter'.

1) If you installed new software that caused MS to malfunction then you could rollback that installation.

2) You could try uninstalling MS, making sure that the Musescore program folder has gone and then remove every reference to Musescore from the Windows registry, reboot then re-install. Just be careful with the registry editor since a wrong edit could corrupt your Windows installation.…

In reply to by Jonathan Jansson

I can't tell from your answer if you made a portable version that didn't work, or the portable version available from the MuseScore download area didn't work.

Perhaps there's a permissions problem. Copy and paste the MuseScore 3 folder from "Program files" to somewhere else. Run the .exe from the bin file. I also deleted the file from "Program files" just to be sure.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help. Couldn't find a solution that worked despite trying for many hours, so I ended up reinstalling windows. Was a bit of a hassle but MuseScore finally works again!

In reply to by Jonathan Jansson

Too bad about the hassle, but glad to hear you're back in business.

Since MuseScore was previously working for you and then stopped working, was there any Windows version update that was fed to your PC that might have caused this?

In Settings > System > About
My Windows specifications show:
Edition: Windows 10 Pro
Version: 21H2

Windows Update reports I'm up to date, but states that there's an "Optional quality update available".
I was wondering what your current Windows specs show after the Windows reinstall, especially now that MuseScore is ok.

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