Noten von Ubuntu, Linux zu Windows schicken

• Sep 25, 2022 - 18:36

Hallo, wenn mir jemand mit Windows Noten schickt auf mein Ubuntu Laptop, kann ichs nicht bearbeiten.
Wie kann ich das ändern? danke


Das sollte aber problemlos funktionieren.

Welche Versionen von MuseScore sind da beteiligt?
Beispiele für solche bei dir unlesbare Partituren?

Sorry. The problem is fully on my side. I only can open and see notes in the pdf format. Once I saved a partitur in mscx i cant open it again. There are only letters.. I try to unpack it but it doesnt work.
I have musescore 3.
I do not understand your question about the files...
I also speak german. many thanks for your help

In reply to by Veroeli

I can't follow the entire discussion, but it sounds like you are trying to use your file browser to open the file, and for whatever reason, it isn't using MuseScore but is instead trying to open it in a text editor. So, that would mean your file associations are messed up. Depending on what OS and what file browser you are talking about (I see both Linux and Windows mentioned here), the method to change file associations is different, but usually something beginning with right-clicking an MSCZ file in your file browser will get you started.

In any case, if you have trouble convincing your file browser to open MuseScore, don't worry, just don't do that - open your files normally from within MuseScore rather than depending on your file browser to do it.

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