Jazz Chords in MS4

• Feb 10, 2023 - 16:08

Hi, in MS4 I have problems with chords in MuseJazz style .... I can see the score well, but the parts absolutely not. does it happen to you too?


In reply to by Alessandro Pasqual

Are you saying you open that file - the very same one you attached here, not some other similar file - and when you view the part, the chord symbols are not correct?

There is something strange about your file, though. The score is set to "Standard" style for chord symbols (in Format / Style / Chord symbols), but the part is set to Jazz style. In theory that should work, but realistically, best to use the same style in score and parts to avoid problems. I'd recommend changing the style in the score before generating parts - or just start from one of the Jazz templates where it's already set to Jazz by default.

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