Dotted notes

• Mar 16, 2023 - 11:22

Hi Folks
Just downloaded the musescore 4 in ubuntu.
The old printing problems are solved at once, but the use of the"." on my laptop doesn't give me the expected dotted note on my hp laptop. It still works on the old musescore. So there must be a software problem in version 4
Thanks for everything


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It still doesn't work. I upgraded to 4.0.2 and did the revert to factory setting'(in a dutch version) and then gave it a try, but nope. I did restart the program. I'll try it a second time. Is there a way to say to the program to use that secific key to achieve the dot and then save it in a personal style, or is that too complicated for an average computer user?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

1)I just downloaded bluefish. Thanks to your help and underquark's I'm further now.
I'll have a profound look in the shortcuts.xml and try to find the error or bug or whatever.
However it would be more simple that the preference of the program would have accepted my change, no?
2)I did the change as suggested on line 457 in the xml to Shift+. I saved and opened the program.
When moving with the mouse over the "dotted on-off" button I see the new "Shift ." indicated. It only doesn't do anything

In reply to by kribra

I went to the Muse 4.0.1 preferences/ shortcuts and gave in the .
Then clicked okay and restarted but it still did nothing.
When I run the Muse 4.0.1 it says I can update. The 4.0.2 is downloading its AppImage but it seems not to go into the old version. In /Downloads I find the 4.0.2 but despite several tries in the terminal I Can't make it working. I used tyhe commands cd ~/Downloads
./MuseScore*.AppImage install
Only when right-clicking in the file manager it (4.0.2) starts.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

hE jojo
I'm a little bit further now.
In the "help" I can already see the correct 4.0.2.
In shortcuts I gave in the "." and clicked on OK but it still doesn't work on the keyboard. I'm working on Azerty
I'll keep on looking for that shortcuts.xml until now I could not find that in ubuntu. I hoped to find it in preferences, but no.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

He Jojo
I'm not a hero in terminal things but I could reach the local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4 but then I don't get further because shortcuts.xml is not a directory. I'm shure you know the solution.
Today I write the accompaniment by hand so don't rush. I doubt to have time to work further on the dotted note solution today. Later on I surely will. Thanks in advance

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Screenshot from 2023-03-18 10-27-05.png 94.45 KB

In reply to by kribra

You can't cd (change directory) to ...../shortcuts.xml because it is a file, not a directory. If you want to use the Consol (aka Command-line) then you need to cd to the directory that the shortcuts.xml file is in and then create a backup: cp shortcuts.xml shortcuts_old.xml. Then edit the shortcuts.xml file.

Can't you open it using your favourite file/directory explorer? There is usually an option ([Ctrl] H) to show hidden files (such as those beginning with a dot like .local). For editing the file I would use an HTML editor such as Bluefish. You might need to change file permissions to allow editing.

Can you post your shortcuts.xml file here?


In reply to by kribra

Here the xml with the change as suggested days ago by JoJo when going to the program I see with the mouse that there is a change on the "dot on-off". It's changed into "Shift." The line in question was, I hope, nr.457
Thanks in advance.
Ok JoJo and underquark from now on I hit "Shift," to get my dotted note.
I can live with that. Super.

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