Change note duration for playback without changing notehead OR having it count in the measure

• Apr 6, 2023 - 03:44

Similarly to how a measure can have a nominal and actual duration (though not exactly the same), is there a way for a single note to do this? Ie. in note properties have an option to make a note look like a 16th note, but play as a quarter note? Importantly, this would not affect playback or stretch the time between notes.

My aim with this is to achieve a certain sound in playback, while not having to clutter my score with multiple voices (this is what I've done it in the past).

In the picture I attached (1 measure, 6/8), I want the Voice 2 note to appear as a 16th note so that I'm only using Voice 1, but have it play as a quarter note for sound purposes, without affecting the other notes' time.

Is there any way to do this, and would demand even exist for this feature? Or should I just suck it up and use multiple voices.

(And yes I could use Voice 2 notes, make them invisible, and add visible Voice 1 notes that don't play, but that's a lot of work I don't care to do)

(Edit: Just remembered I sometimes use tied notes to achieve this as well, but again it feels too cluttery for me lol)

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Example.png 17.35 KB


You wrote:
I want the Voice 2 note to appear as a 16th note so that I'm only using Voice 1, but have it play as a quarter note for sound purposes, without affecting the other notes' time.

I don't know the context (e.g., music notated strictly for yourself) but if you want a note to appear as a 16th note in voice 1 and have it sound as a quarter note, a shared notehead could fit the bill:

The PRE (Piano Roll Editor) affords the option of changing a note’s play duration without affecting its face value. PRE work can be tedious and twiddly but viable for projects of limited scope.

What instrument are you writing for?

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